Thursday, February 5, 2015

January Meatless Challenge- Update

Cooking From Long-Term Food Storage With Powdered Milk

Cooking from long-term food storage with powdered milk

Today we're going to talk about cooking from your long-term food storage with powdered milk. Although, it may seem counterintuitive to use your food storage, there are many benefits to utilizing your long-term food storage in everyday life, such as;
  • learning to how to reconstitute, or cook items you may not be familiar with, so you know how to use them when you need to use them
  • rotating and cycling through your long-term food storage
  • you will learn what your family eats and what they don't eat so you can buy more of the stuff you know you'll use

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cold and Flu Busting Homemade Herbal Tea Recipe

cold and flu busting homemade herbal tea recipe

Cold and flue season is upon us and it has hit our house hard this year. We do all of the normal things to stay healthy and we eat well. But, for whatever reason, we just haven't been able to escape all of those pesky germs! Luckily, we have some beneficial herbs and spices on hand to make our own cold and flu busting homemade herbal tea that is both good to drink, and packed full of healthy properties that are good for you too. This herbal tea is a great way to fight the cold or flu naturally.